The essence of humour. (3/5 : Psychological)

This is the third part of five about the essence of humor and what kind of effects it has on the human body and/or mind.
Humour comes with certain consequences. These can be distinguished by:
- physical behaviours
- social behaviours
- psychological behaviours
- emotional behaviours
- cognitive behaviours.
Psychological Behaviours
Humour and laughter determines how things are seen and reaction to things that are ex- perienced. Herbert Lefcourt, (1986), a well- known psychologist of the University of Waterloo Canada, has researched how the feeling of humour and the use of humour can change emotional reaction to stress. In his research, people were asked to look back to the previous six months. They had to look how much and how often stressful situations were involved in their life. At the same time negative humour disturbances were evaluated. Lefcourt scored and evaluated the test on use of humour, sense of humour, assessment of humour and the possibility to use humour and laughter in the lifestyle of the test persons. Results of this research have shown that the sense and the assessment of humour can possibility be a buffer zone against humour disturbances which occur after a negative life experience (Lefcourt, 1986 & 1990).
When was the last time that you had a good laughter with one or more collegues and what was the situation in which it occurred?