Neuroplasticity: The Play-Doh In Your Head

Autism, Daily Life, Neuroscience

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At the WFNN Congress in Opatija there was a presentation about Neuroplasticity and i started to wonder if humour can also be part of this Neuroplasticity. So read the following and leave a comment at the end.

We all have much more power to shape our reality than most realize due to the brain’s amazing morphing power, known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change its physical structure and function through thought, emotion, and activity, is a scientific truth of the last decade.  It used to be believed that the adult brain was pretty much fixed or hard wired. Not so. I like to say that neuroplasticity the super power we all have.

Your brain has the ability to change from the day you’re born until the day you die, and neuroplasticity is happening every minute of every day whether you’re aware of it or not. It’s a choice and privilege to use neuroplasticity consciously for our good rather than unconsciously letting it work against us.

The brain is like Play-Doh minus the funky smell because it’s changeable, malleable, and adaptable throughout a person’s life. The changes in the brain occur in response to actions we commit, our senses and perceptions, and even our thinking and imagining.  Basically, everthing you do and think every day gets etched into your brain.

Neuroplasticity is a case of thought changing matter which, while remarkable, is no big deal for our brains. You can just think about your hand raising and it does which is both extraordinary and very ordinary at the same time. Neuroplasticity has substantial implications for every aspect of human nature and culture including medicine, psychiatry, psychology, relationships, education, and more.

Amazing Neuroplasticity At Work

Neuroplasticity has allowed people who have had strokes and brain trauma to recover amazing functionality. Because of neuroplasticity, congenitally blind people’s brains have figured out new ways to see. Children with cerebral palsy learn to move more gracefully and children with autism make cognitive strides which were thought not possible because of the ability of their brain to change. Experience-based neuroplasticity  has also been harnessed to ease chronic pain. The examples go on and on.

Because nothing in your brain is hard wired, you can utilize neuroplasticity to replace entrenched, unhealthy behaviors and patterns in your own life with better ones. A person has to make the effort to consistently practice the new habit and over time, their brain will respond by making permanent changes to reinforce the new behavior.

Want to quit smoking?  Interrupt the pattern habitually, and your brain will become your ally in the effort. Your brain can be put to work for you if you want drop 10 pounds, end a drug addiction, or stop biting your fingernails. Visualizing can be of help when encouraging neuroplastic change to help end a bad habit because your brain also responds to your thoughts. Alter your behavior regularly, and your brain will support you by make physical changes encouraging the new pattern.

The bottom line is that we have grossly underestimated what the brain can do and the huge role it plays in shaping our lives and realities. Put your brain to work for you. You have a magic wand in your head. Use it!

So what do you think about Neuroplasticity and Humour. Please leave a comment about it !!

Please humour me and like me: