Chicago 2018 & a New Job

Congres & Symposium, Daily Life, Humour

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From December the 3rd till December the 9th i have been in Chicago (USA). I was there because i was invited to do a presentation for my colleagues in the USA.
I was invited to talk about humour and it was also the last official act as a nurse from the MC Slotervaart. This hospital has gone bankrupt and as a result from that i was unemployed.
The congress was fun to do and there were some great talks, especially  and the talk about “Breaking the circle of addiction” by Dr. Ruth Cangialosi from Footprints To Recovery was very interesting.

Below you can see some pictures from the congress. I even stumbled on the set of the populair Chicago Fire

Hunting for a new job.

Due to the bankruptcy of my hospital i needed to go and look for a job. I have been unemployed from the last week of October. I have been thinking very hard of leaving Neurology and Neuro Surgery behind me but eventually decided against it. Neurology and Neuro Surgery is where my heart is. So i decided to send some letters to several hospitals in my area. I got some good responses and even was invited to do some interviews. Man (and woman) i didn’t know that some people in HR are so brutal. I got a lot of ‘we think you will not fit into our team’ and even one hospital said that it was better for me to not even try and get a job in that hospital. Man (and woman agian) i didn’t know that people still discriminate in current society.
But lucky for me i found a new job in the VUmc and i am very thankful that they are willing to give me the opportunity to come and work for them. So as of the 1st of January 2019 i am back in Neurology & Neuro Surgery.

From this blog i wish every one
a Merry Christmas
a Happy New Year.

Please humour me and like me: