Do you have a Sense of Humour

Daily Life, Humour, Laughter, Way of Life

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A sense of humour can be a person’s greatest asset. This skill can help you interact easily with others, improve your health, and even help diffuse difficult situations. What’s not often understood is that you don’t have to be funny to have a sense of humour, you just have to learn to see the lighter side of things.

Spreading Laughter

Daily Life, Humour, Laughter, Theoretics

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Spreading laughter is the next best thing to laughing yourself. When you set out to spread laughter, you’re also spreading joy, happiness, and love for other people. Long considered “the best medicine”, laughter has power; it can lighten up the atmosphere, bring a group of people together, help people to feel good about themselves, and make a challenging day so much easier to face. Even tears are changed by a good laugh, turning into tears of joy and hilarity.

An introduction to The Healthy Mind Platter (1/8)

Daily Life, Neuroscience, Theoretics

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The Dutch and the US government have the food pyramid – the diagram that’s been with us for decades that is supposed to remind people how to eat well. The model is called Choose my plate , is a big improvement. However, there’s a different epidemic happening out there that’s getting less attention, perhaps because it is less obvious than the epidemic of obesity we’re experiencing. We’re entering an era of an epidemic of overwhelm.

Finding Your Humourous Side

Humour, Jokes, Theoretics

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There is a humourous side to everyone and that includes you too. Being humourous might make you feel good and attract more friends but if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t matter. Humour also helps to heal us from health conditions because it reduces stress and feeling happy produces ‘happy’ endorphins in the brain, which help us to heal physically and/or mentally.

Making a Pun

Humour, Jokes, Laughter, Theoretics

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Paronomasia is the formal name given to the kind of word play commonly known as a “pun.” While many might groan at “dad jokes” that are often puns too bad ”not” to laugh at, a pun well done can impress the palate of even the most discerning connoisseur. An apt pun at the right moment can have a strong effect on those who hear it. To make puns yourself will require a knowledge of the kinds that exist, as well as an understanding of context, timing, and lateral thinking.

Congress in Berlin 2019

Congres & Symposium, Humour, Way of Life

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On the 28th of Februari and the 1st of March 2019 I was invited to give a presentation about Humour as a Nursing Intervention at the 28th International Conference on Neurology and Therapeutics 2019. On this congress I found myself the odd duckling because there where all doctors (except for 2 others, a physiotherapist and a researcher).