Funny Stories

Humour in care: Laughter endangers the disease

Funny Stories, Humour, Patients, Theoretics

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When nurses are asked what job they do, the tone is often subdued and respectful. The other person will then say with some certainty: “I couldn’t do that, because there is so much suffering.” That is partly true. At the same time, however, there are endless funny situations and cheerfulness in everyday care. The author shows how to Use humour when dealing with patients. Patients find humour helpful A study of what patients want from caregivers found that they often find humour helpful. It creates distance to current fear and worry. Patients feel particularly accepted and valued as people when nurses meet them with humour or respond to their jokes. The following example, told by a health and nursing student in the second year of training: “During delusional thinking, a 40-year-old woman jumped out of a window and came to the hospital with multiple fractures. She was on strict bed …

Telling a Joke

Funny Stories, Humour, Jokes, Laughter, Theoretics

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From one-liners to classic three-liners to the one-minute gag you tell your friends, a good joke pleases everyone. Joke-telling is one of the best ways to ease tension, make a new friend, or light up a room. That is, of course, if you can get a laugh. Telling good jokes is an art that comes naturally to some people, but for others it takes practice and hard work.

Making Jokes

Funny Stories, Humour, Jokes, Theoretics

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Comedians make it look easy, but coming up with a funny joke actually takes a lot of forethought. You’ve got to pick a target and find a way to make fun of it that delights, rather than offends, your audience. It can be a fine line to walk, but the results are worth it! Read this article to find out how to make a joke that’ll have your friends rolling with laughter.

The REAL Patch Adams: One Of The Greatest Activists In History

Daily Life, Funny Stories, Humour, Patients, Way of Life

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I remember the first time I saw the movie Patch Adams, starring the late great comedian Robin Williams. It moved me to tears, not just because it was such a powerful film that addressed a major issue plaguing our world (the shameful state of health “care”), but also because I knew that what I was witnessing was actually based on a true story.