
Humour in care: Laughter endangers the disease

Funny Stories, Humour, Patients, Theoretics

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When nurses are asked what job they do, the tone is often subdued and respectful. The other person will then say with some certainty: “I couldn’t do that, because there is so much suffering.” That is partly true. At the same time, however, there are endless funny situations and cheerfulness in everyday care. The author shows how to Use humour when dealing with patients. Patients find humour helpful A study of what patients want from caregivers found that they often find humour helpful. It creates distance to current fear and worry. Patients feel particularly accepted and valued as people when nurses meet them with humour or respond to their jokes. The following example, told by a health and nursing student in the second year of training: “During delusional thinking, a 40-year-old woman jumped out of a window and came to the hospital with multiple fractures. She was on strict bed …

Practise with a Smile

Healing, Humour, Laughter, Patients

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Humour is thought to serve a wide range of positive functions in health care. This includes providing comfort to patients and reducing anxiety in difficult situations, serving as a means of raising difficult topics that might otherwise be taboo, offering an outlet for negative emotions such as frustration and anger, enhancing working relationships by relieving interpersonal tension and challenging and maintaining the structure of professional relationships.

Humour a Coping Mechanism for Caregivers

Daily Life, Humour, Patients, Way of Life

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Nurses, physicians, and other health care professionals cope daily with the reality and horror of illness, suffering, and death. If you are unable to cope effectively with this, you would experience “a burnout” or more accurately called “a compassion fatigue”. Your compassion and caring may leave you vulnerable to feelings of sympathy for those we serve.

Things that nurses want for Valentine

Humour, Jokes, Laughter, Patients, Way of Life

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Let’s be real—chocolates and flowers are nice any time of the day or night, but when it comes to romancing nurses, there are some clear ways to their hearts. If you’re looking at enticing a nurse in your life this year for Valentine’s Day, or if you’re a nurse wondering if anyone truly understands the desires of your heart, let us just be the ones to say:


Neuroscience, Patients, Way of Life

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The unreachable thing in tending to care for Neurosurgery patients: Can that ‘fingerspitzengefühl’ be learned? Patients that under go neurosurgery are usually labeled as complex patients. These patients cannot tell the nurse adequately how they feel or how they are faring. Clinical observations are therefore very important. Sometimes you see that the state of the patient had changed or sometimes you feel that ‘something’ has changed in/with the patient. Usually it is the feeling of the nurse.

The REAL Patch Adams: One Of The Greatest Activists In History

Daily Life, Funny Stories, Humour, Patients, Way of Life

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I remember the first time I saw the movie Patch Adams, starring the late great comedian Robin Williams. It moved me to tears, not just because it was such a powerful film that addressed a major issue plaguing our world (the shameful state of health “care”), but also because I knew that what I was witnessing was actually based on a true story.