
How to Develop Dry Humor

Humour, Laughter, Theoretics, Way of Life

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Dry humor is all about subtlety. It’s so subtle, in fact, that many people believe it’s not something that can be learned. But like anything else, sharpening your wit is mostly a matter of practice. The more you jokes you make, the more you’ll get a feel for how to gauge your listeners’ reactions and find out what makes them laugh. With time, you’ll learn to recognize golden opportunities to insert a bit of well-placed deadpan humour.

Humour in care: Laughter endangers the disease

Funny Stories, Humour, Patients, Theoretics

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When nurses are asked what job they do, the tone is often subdued and respectful. The other person will then say with some certainty: “I couldn’t do that, because there is so much suffering.” That is partly true. At the same time, however, there are endless funny situations and cheerfulness in everyday care. The author shows how to Use humour when dealing with patients. Patients find humour helpful A study of what patients want from caregivers found that they often find humour helpful. It creates distance to current fear and worry. Patients feel particularly accepted and valued as people when nurses meet them with humour or respond to their jokes. The following example, told by a health and nursing student in the second year of training: “During delusional thinking, a 40-year-old woman jumped out of a window and came to the hospital with multiple fractures. She was on strict bed …

Humour and professional care – (in)compatible?

Humour, Laughter, Theoretics

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Are humour and the care industry really incompatible? Many may think that with all the misfortunes that a caregiver encounters on a daily basis, humour is out of place and even inappropriate. But with the right use of humour, situations can be viewed from a different perspective, tensions in everyday work can be reduced and friendships can be built. And humour can also be used sensibly and have a supportive effect in professional care.

A Day without Laughter is a day wasted – Who said it?

Humour, Jokes, Laughter, Theoretics, Way of Life

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A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin once said ‘a day without laughter is a day wasted’ and his life and films always encouraged us to laugh. No one can stay without laughing watching his films. Charlie Chaplin was a British comedian, producer, writer, director and composer, widely known in the world. He is considered the greatest comedian on screen and one of the most important figures in film history.

Humour and Laughter in Palliative Care – Part 5

Daily Life, Laughter, Palliative Care, Theoretics

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Humour and laughter are present in most of human interaction. Interactions inhealth care settings are no exception. Palliative care practitioners know from experiencethat humour and laughter are common in palliative care despite the seriousness of the carecontext. Research establishing the significance of humor in care of the dying is limited