Taking a Joke

Daily Life, Humour, Jokes, Theoretics, Way of Life

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Everyone loves a good joke but when the joke’s on you, it’s hard to know how to react, respond, and continue having a good time. Remain calm and consider the Joker’s intent. If the intent wasn’t malicious, you needn’t be upset by it. Laughter is often automatic, but being offended is a choice. You can choose not to let a joke get to you.

Telling a Joke

Funny Stories, Humour, Jokes, Laughter, Theoretics

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From one-liners to classic three-liners to the one-minute gag you tell your friends, a good joke pleases everyone. Joke-telling is one of the best ways to ease tension, make a new friend, or light up a room. That is, of course, if you can get a laugh. Telling good jokes is an art that comes naturally to some people, but for others it takes practice and hard work.

Making Jokes

Funny Stories, Humour, Jokes, Theoretics

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Comedians make it look easy, but coming up with a funny joke actually takes a lot of forethought. You’ve got to pick a target and find a way to make fun of it that delights, rather than offends, your audience. It can be a fine line to walk, but the results are worth it! Read this article to find out how to make a joke that’ll have your friends rolling with laughter.

Philosophy of Humour

Humour, Laughter, Theoretics

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Although most people value humour, philosophers have said little about it, and what they have said is largely critical. Three traditional theories of laughter and humour are examined, along with the theory that humour evolved from mock-aggressive play in apes. Understanding humour as play helps counter the traditional objections to it and reveals some of its benefits, including those it shares with philosophy itself.

Overstimulation: is that to avoid if you have a reasonably normal life?

Autism, Daily Life, Way of Life

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A while ago I wondered if you can prevent overstimulation if you have a pretty normal life.  Or is it a matter of learning to deal with it? I find it an integrin question. Looking at it from my own autism, it is a question that has no universal answer but I will try to answer it with by how I am dealing with it.