Are Girls with Autism Hiding in Plain Sight?

Autism, Daily Life, Neuroscience

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Autism primarily affects boys, right? Officially, boys exceed girls with autism by 4 to 1 (and 10 to 1 in “high-functioning” autism).1 In fact, almost everything we know about autism comes from studying boys. But now some scientists are making discoveries that are challenging common assumptions about autism, girls and gender.


Neuroscience, Patients, Way of Life

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The unreachable thing in tending to care for Neurosurgery patients: Can that ‘fingerspitzengefühl’ be learned? Patients that under go neurosurgery are usually labeled as complex patients. These patients cannot tell the nurse adequately how they feel or how they are faring. Clinical observations are therefore very important. Sometimes you see that the state of the patient had changed or sometimes you feel that ‘something’ has changed in/with the patient. Usually it is the feeling of the nurse.