Humour in the workplace: what’s funny, what’s not

Humour, Laughter, Way of Life

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Using humour in the workplace can boost your team’s spirits, make work more fun, ease tension when the going is tough, and help build trust among groups. A clever observation or lighthearted joke can also make leaders seem more approachable and relatable. We say laughter is the best medicine, and that’s true even at work. Just like any medicine, though, it works best when it’s used properly.

Humour and Older Adults – Part 2/2

Humour, Laughter, Way of Life

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Laughter, the physical response to perceived humour, has demonstrated positive effects on physical and psychological well-being. Studies that focus on effects of humour on health and well-being of older adults are scarce. No studies were found that examine what older adults find humourous. The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore the humour stimulus in a population of older adults.

Humour and Older Adults – Part 1/2

Humour, Laughter, Way of Life

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Laughter, the physical response to perceived humour, has demonstrated positive effects on physical and psychological well-being. Studies that focus on effects of humour on health and well-being of older adults are scarce. No studies were found that examine what older adults find humourous. The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore the humour stimulus in a population of older adults.