Humour in care: Laughter endangers the disease

Funny Stories, Humour, Patients, Theoretics

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When nurses are asked what job they do, the tone is often subdued and respectful. The other person will then say with some certainty: “I couldn’t do that, because there is so much suffering.” That is partly true. At the same time, however, there are endless funny situations and cheerfulness in everyday care. The author shows how to Use humour when dealing with patients. Patients find humour helpful A study of what patients want from caregivers found that they often find humour helpful. It creates distance to current fear and worry. Patients feel particularly accepted and valued as people when nurses meet them with humour or respond to their jokes. The following example, told by a health and nursing student in the second year of training: “During delusional thinking, a 40-year-old woman jumped out of a window and came to the hospital with multiple fractures. She was on strict bed …

Reduce stress – More relaxed and efficient with Humour

Daily Life, Healing, Humour, Laughter, Way of Life

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When the immune system fails due to continuous stress The immune system cannot work undisturbed when our everyday life is hectic and we are stressed. If the body lacks the energy to activate sufficient defenses, constant stress makes us ill. It is therefore important to avoid this permanent stress as often as possible.

A Day without Laughter is a day wasted – Who said it?

Humour, Jokes, Laughter, Theoretics, Way of Life

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A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin once said ‘a day without laughter is a day wasted’ and his life and films always encouraged us to laugh. No one can stay without laughing watching his films. Charlie Chaplin was a British comedian, producer, writer, director and composer, widely known in the world. He is considered the greatest comedian on screen and one of the most important figures in film history.

Laughter in the Face of Death: The Role of Humour in Nursing

Daily Life, Humour, Laughter, Palliative Care, Way of Life

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As nurses, we often encounter difficult situations that can take a toll on our emotional and physical well-being. One of the most challenging aspects of our job is dealing with death and end-of-life care. It can be heart-wrenching to watch someone we have grown to care for pass away, and it can be equally difficult to console the family members who are grieving. But despite the sadness and heavy emotions that come with death, humor can actually play a vital role in the process. Laughter may seem like an inappropriate response to such a solemn event, but it can actually provide a much-needed release and bring a sense of comfort to those involved.

How to Not Take Yourself Too Seriously

Daily Life, Humour, Theoretics

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Sometimes it can be hard to laugh at yourself and not take life so seriously. There’s stress, relationship problems, and the demands of family and work that often make it hard to look for levity in life’s situations. Taking yourself less seriously is a sign of comfort and helps you grow as a person. While you can’t always control what happens, you can control how you react. Choosing to not take yourself so seriously is a positive step to help deal with negative situations you can’t always control.

Practise with a Smile

Healing, Humour, Laughter, Patients

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Humour is thought to serve a wide range of positive functions in health care. This includes providing comfort to patients and reducing anxiety in difficult situations, serving as a means of raising difficult topics that might otherwise be taboo, offering an outlet for negative emotions such as frustration and anger, enhancing working relationships by relieving interpersonal tension and challenging and maintaining the structure of professional relationships.