Reduce stress – More relaxed and efficient with Humour

Daily Life, Healing, Humour, Laughter, Way of Life

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When the immune system fails due to continuous stress The immune system cannot work undisturbed when our everyday life is hectic and we are stressed. If the body lacks the energy to activate sufficient defenses, constant stress makes us ill. It is therefore important to avoid this permanent stress as often as possible.

Humour and professional care – (in)compatible?

Humour, Laughter, Theoretics

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Are humour and the care industry really incompatible? Many may think that with all the misfortunes that a caregiver encounters on a daily basis, humour is out of place and even inappropriate. But with the right use of humour, situations can be viewed from a different perspective, tensions in everyday work can be reduced and friendships can be built. And humour can also be used sensibly and have a supportive effect in professional care.

Nursing a serious business?

Congres & Symposium, Daily Life, Humour, Way of Life

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Nursing is a serious profession that requires a lot of compassion, empathy, and care. However, even in the most challenging situations, humour can be a powerful tool to help patients feel more relaxed and comfortable. In this article, we will explore how humour can be used in nursing interventions to improve the quality of care and strengthen friendships between patients and nurses.

Laughter in the Face of Death: The Role of Humour in Nursing

Daily Life, Humour, Laughter, Palliative Care, Way of Life

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As nurses, we often encounter difficult situations that can take a toll on our emotional and physical well-being. One of the most challenging aspects of our job is dealing with death and end-of-life care. It can be heart-wrenching to watch someone we have grown to care for pass away, and it can be equally difficult to console the family members who are grieving. But despite the sadness and heavy emotions that come with death, humor can actually play a vital role in the process. Laughter may seem like an inappropriate response to such a solemn event, but it can actually provide a much-needed release and bring a sense of comfort to those involved.

Humour and Laughter in Palliative Care – Part 5

Daily Life, Laughter, Palliative Care, Theoretics

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Humour and laughter are present in most of human interaction. Interactions inhealth care settings are no exception. Palliative care practitioners know from experiencethat humour and laughter are common in palliative care despite the seriousness of the carecontext. Research establishing the significance of humor in care of the dying is limited

Humour and Laughter in Palliative Care – Part 4

Daily Life, Laughter, Palliative Care, Theoretics

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Humour and laughter are present in most of human interaction. Interactions inhealth care settings are no exception. Palliative care practitioners know from experiencethat humour and laughter are common in palliative care despite the seriousness of the carecontext. Research establishing the significance of humor in care of the dying is limited This is Part 4 – The Research – Part 3